Our Projects

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all the projects that we implemented as an association.
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This was the second webinar organised by the BAFE Association under the umbrella of the “Reconnection” project, which aims at reconnecting Bellevue Alumni. The webinar was dedicated to the cross-border mobility of public sector workers.

After Ambassador Gröning, former special advisor for the Bellevue programme, welcomed the participants and shared his thoughts on the current state of the EU, M. Florian Blazy, Deputy Director-General of the General Directorate of the French Ministry responsible for public services, gave an introductory speech, in which he shared his views on cross-border mobility.

Then, three current initiatives, the EU Leadership Exchange Programme, the toolbox for EU mobility under preparation by the French presidency, and the EU Citizens’ Initiative on a Civil Servant Exchange Programme, were presented by guest speakers and discussed with the participants.

In the second part of the webinar, the participants were invited to discuss how the BAFE association could promote the cross-border mobility of public sector workers within the EU. Through the exchanges, various ideas were identified for future activities the BAFE association.

Finally, the BAFE association’s President and Secretary closed the seminar with a wrap-up. They were particularly pleased that the Webinar had enabled the association to strengthen links with the Ministries and Institutes of Public Administration from France, Portugal and Spain. They invited the participants to join the next Webinars to be organised by the BAFE association in 2021.

You can read the report of the webinar here.

This was the first Webinar organised by the BAFE Association. Its aim was to reconnect the Bellevue Alumni with each other, and to deepen their knowledge on the EU recovery funds. About twenty Bellevue Alumni participated, together with the ex-chaperon of the Bellevue Programme, Ambassador Gröning. The Webinar addressed in particular the EU Next Generation Recovery Plan, its pillars and guiding principles, including the conditionality, according to which Member States must allocate at least 37% of their founds to climate change policies and 20% to digital transition. Participants gave input on various national recovery plans, as well as on the allocation and negotiation of the funds. You can read the report of the webinar here, and its agenda here.

Trust and Transparency

fostering exchange across sectors to increase transparency and communication between the media, the public service and the private sector.

We organised a seminar « Trust and Transparency » 16-18 November 2018 in Palermo, Italy. 28 participants from 21 countries, representing 22 different Robert Bosch Foundation programs and 3 different clusters (« government officials », « media », « NGOs and business professionals ») came together to explore through small group activities, panel discussions and presentations what they could do personally to increase transparency and communication between the media, the public service and the private sector. You can read the report of the seminar here, and its agenda here.

Participants shared personal experiences related to the topic that were compiled in an anonymized case catalogue.

During the seminar, the participants discussed selected cases from the catalogue, and their conclusions can be found in the form of DO’s and DON’Ts.

Bellevue Alumni Meeting (BAM)

Madrid, 15-17 September 2017

At the first self-initiated event of the Bellevue Alumni Community, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the EU. We discussed the possible causes, consequences and responses of the new wave of populism and nationalism in Europe.

We also looked into our roles and responsibilities in the European decision-making process. The BAM went far beyond the exciting discussions and the joy of catching up with our colleagues as this was the moment when the alumni decided to create a formal association.

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